14 Feb 2013

4 Top Things To Say That Would Help Infertile Woman!

If you want to support your friends or relatives that are struggling to have a baby, saying these would help, it based on my own experience how I feel elated after someone said these to me in person:

1. "It must be painful, but I know you can do this."

by saying this words, I feel that you understand where I stand. This is what I need, someone who understand, who acknowlegde that I`m in such a pain and the last words smells so hopeful it`s a good things to say to someone who`s starting to losing their hope.

2. "I can see it, you gonna be a good Mom!"

It`s nice to have someone saying this to you, after all those tests and lab results that makes your emotion ups and downs, it`s like a reward for me. A compliment, a statement, a hope that even people can see it that someday I`m gonna be a Mom! Lovely..

3. "If you wanna cry, just cry.. I`m here for you!"
When someone said this to me, I immediately burst into cry. I feel loosen up after let all the emotion out. Cause all I need is a permission to get pissed, to cry out loud, to get weak, to damn the world, damn the birds for have such beautiful babies... that`s all.. one day cry out loud.. for tomorrow I`ll be back in business!

4. "Yes life can be so unfair sometimes, but it has a good point in some ways"
Bless the people who said this to me, once more, being acknowledge is the first thing I need. I need someone who see the way I see. I see sometimes its unfair for me and all I need is someone to say "Yes! it is" .... and by giving the additional wisdom words at the back, it`s like a slap for my self to always remember that beyond all this there is a greater power that rule everything.. that I must surrender all this to the higher power out there..God!
