28 May 2013

Proses HSg di RSU Bunda, Menteng - Jakarta

Setelah kurang lebih 2 bulan sejak terakhir konsultasi dengan Dr. Soemanadi SpoG di RSB Asih Kebayoran baru, Senin kemarin 27 Mei 2013 barulah aku mendapat keberanian untuk melakukan HsG (sebenarnya sih setahun lalu dengan Dokter Kandungan yang berbeda sudah disarankan untuk HSg, tapi... belom terkumpul juga keberanian alias nyali.. (~,~) jadi yaa nunda sampai setahun lebih deh).

Setahun lalu sampai minggu lalu, yang aku lakukan adalah browsing sana-sini untuk cari info sebanyak-banyaknya tentang HSg, ada yang mengalami sakit yang begitu hebat, ada juga yang malah ga ngerasain apa-apa cuma ngilu sedikit dan bisa langsung ngeMall sesudah HSg. (I really hoped I was one of them who don`t feel the pain during HSg Test). *finger crossed o_0

Why I chose RSU Bunda?
  • Dokter beserta helpernya itu wanita, jadi ga sungkan or malu-malu saat harus ngengkes.
  • Jadwal si Dokter praktek lumayan panjang, jam 9-16.
  • Bunda Group is one of reputable Hospitals in Jakarta.

The Process Begin
  1. Didrop di Lobby sama Pak Driver, me and hubby went straight to 3th floor. Kesan pertama masuk RSU Bunda ini, clean and spacey.
  2. Confirmasi ulang di meja receiption Radiology (setelah sebelumnya booked by phone yah) dan isi formulir pernyataan persetujuan tindakan dan form riwayat pasien.
  3. Aku inisiatif sendiri minta obat pereda nyeri, Suster ngasih aku Bishopan (bener ga sih spellnya? o.O). Suster baik hati itu bilang "ga perlu minum juga gpp bu, yang penting Ibu relax jadi ga sakit, palingan cuma sakit sepertu Haid dari pertama ajah"..... Aku bilang "Eeh ehh bentar dulu Sus, aku kalau Haid hari pertama ga minum Painkiller bisa pingsan kesakitan".. it happened once. thou.. I passed out in School, can`t bear the intense pain inside my uterus..
  4. Disuruh tunggu about 30 minutes, mungkin supaya obatnya bekerja saat proses HSg dimulai yah, so me and Hubby walked down to the 2nd floor, there was a Book Store in the Hospital.. *mindblowing
  5. Aku masuk ke ruangan Radiology and disuruh ganti pakaian khusus, pakaiannya seperti Kimono Jepang... pakaian dan underwear dilepas kecuali bra.. Ruangannya bagus, peralatannya juga baru, beda dengan alat yang saya liat -melalui blog- di RS lain.. I think they`re using the latest tehcnology for HSg..
  6. Ruangan sedingin freezer di restaurant (ada yang pernah nyoba freezer restaurant? hehe), seriusan.. sampai menggigil.. kaya abis berenang di puncak.. getar sampai dada.. Saya berbaring dan angkat kedua kaki... Dokternya menurut aku kurang komunikatif.. She just said "Good afternoon Mam, let we begin the process", that`s it.. ga jelasin juga prosedurnya seperti apa? ga seperti di RS lain yang aku baca di blog teman-teman calon Bunda..
  7. Cocor bebek dimasukin ke Miss V, perih kaya disayat pake silet.. cuma masih bisa ditahan.. Doctor clean inside the Vagina with some kind of fluid. I guess it was betadine fluid for women..
  8. Kateter dimasukkan dan itu O MY!!!! Sakitnyaaa..... I screamed like hell and cried... ga kuat nahan sakitnya... then instead of calm me down the Doctor went "Relax bu! Kalau Ibu ga relax Saya ga bisa kerjain nih"..... dalam hati "What The FFFfffff??!!!"
  9. Proses foto dimulai, Saya sudah mulai hilang kesadaran.. I can`t tell was it the Doctor or Suster yang masukin/niup si balon kateter itu.. Sakitnya intense, ga hilang-hilang, ditambah kepala melayang...
  10. I remember the Doctor said, "hasilnya kedua tuba normal ya Ibu" and I goes "Hhhmm? ho oh" sambil bercucuran airmata kesakitan. Then I asked Suster to get my Hubby here.. Mulut susah digerakin, muka kesemutan...

After The HSg
  1. Hubby came into the room, he gently pet my forehead and calm me down.. di ruangan sedingin itu aku bercucuran keringat segede jagung... Dear Hubby ngelapin muka Saya sambil bilang "Sabar yah ayang.." Aww he`s just too sweet :)
  2. Aku mulai kesulitan bernafas dan merasa sangat kedinginan (karena memang dingin sekali), I asked my Hubby to grab my Blazer.. tapi tetap kedinginan..
  3. Aku minta Mefinal karena ga kuat nahan sakit. I really thought Im gonna die that day.. Dikasih mefinal + teh manis hangat sama si Suster baik hati... Bless you!
  4. Rasa sakit masih berlanjut, aku mulai kesulitan bernafas, Suster membantu aku untuk tenang dengan memijat kedua kaki aku yang kata Suster kaku sekali... "Ayo Ibu digerakin yah kakinya, Saya bantu tekuk"... begitu ditekuk... O GOD!!! It hurts like hell... and I said "pleasee let it be.. just let it be.." and Hubby goes "Sus, biarin aja sus.."
  5. Kesemutan ditangan semakin menjadi, kali ini sampai ke bagian muka... susah untuk ngomong jelas.. aku bilang ke Hubby "Sakit yang... ga kuat..." setelah itu seingetku, aku hanya mau tidur...
  6. Bangun-bangun aku dengar suara monitor Jantung "bip..bip..bip" dan aku lihat Dear Hubby di depanku habis ngucek mata, he holds my hand and said "Yang bangun yang..." Aku buka mata dan ternyata ruangan Radiology sudah ramai, ada dokter UGD dan helpernya.
  7. First thing I said to hubby was "Ini kenapa?" sambil nunjuk selang yang nempel dihidung Saya. Dokter bilang "Ini oksigen Ibu, Ibu pingsan hampir 30 menit dan detak jantung Ibu lemah". Whatt?? really?? I just thought I was asleep just a minute.
  8. Dokter mengecek irama jantungku dengan menempelkan peralatan Jantung mirip di film GreyAnatomy.. and Doctor suggest untuk stay for 2-3 hours in UGD.. but I refused.. karena sakitnya sudah berkurang mungkin karena si Mefinal sudah bekerja yah... lagian kalau mesti tiduran di UGD kasian dear Hubby, dia pasti worry dan ikutan ga makan.. nanti malah double yang sakit.. no!
  9. Aku kuatkan diri, dibantu untuk duduk.. dan OUCH!!! Still hurts! (-_-). Hubby and Doctor insist to keep me in UGD, but I refused. NO! I can make it, I can stand up. Suster bantu aku berpakaian kembali dan aku berhasil duduk. Rasanya kaya orang baru bangun dari apa gitu.. kaya melayang.. jadi rada lambat untuk ngerespon, baik omongan maupun reflek gerakan..
  10. Hubby and Dokter UGD came in and saw me doing fine. So, she let me go, but with one condition, kalau sampai hari ini atau besok aku pingsan lagi, Dokter bilang harus periksa ke bagian Jantung. Detak jantungku selama pingsan sampai sadar hanya 40, sedangkan normal 60-100. Yah we`ll see ajah deh hopefully sih nothing`s matter yah.
  11. Hubby went to cashier and we went home. Safe and sound. Can`t hardly wait to meet my puppy at home.

Bill To Pay
Rp. 1.075.000,- HSg test with Bishopan
Rp.   450.000,- UGD Doctor, peralatan dan pemeriksaan irama jantung
-------------- (+)
Rp. 1.525.000,- Total

Piece of Advice
  • Bring jacket and kaos kaki kalau memang ga kuat sama freezer.
  • Minum pondstan or mefinal 1 jam sebelum HSg.
  • Makan 1 jam sebelum HSg is a must!
  • Bawa coklat dan mineral water, untuk ngilangin shock karena sakit.
  • Kalau naik mobil, jangan lupa bawa bantal yang enak untuk rebahan.

Untuk yang mau HSg Happy trying yah!! jalanin ajah, terima resikonya, toh nantinya akan sepadan dengan hasilnya... :)

26 Apr 2013

What`s The Point Being A Stay At Home Wife When You Have No Kids?

Bored to Death Here

Right now 8.20 pm. Hubby still on the way home from office. Milan my Toy Poodle maybe playing by himself at his confinement. My little sister probably surfing the internet in her room. And I`m bored to death.

I`m starting to question myself, is this life that I wanted? being a house wife with no kids? what`s the point staying at home when you have no kids to takecare? This question often get me carried away until I sometimes cry alone.

I`m starting get used to people`s judging my role as stay at home wife. They can think and say anything, none of my business, I cant control other`s people brain anyway, just like they cant control mine. We`re even I guess. So, my big concern right now is my role as a Mother... When will I be? This longing is killing me..

I`ve thought about get back into work, but Hubby won`t let me. It`s a dead end. Confused.

Puppy's First Day at Home!

He was so tiny and cutey...

We let him wander around the certain area, it was indoor located at the back of our home but have good air circulation, dry area with lots of sun rays and also have AC in case the heat too strong..

He often slept near these boots! That somewhat gross of course, but that`s what he liked. Because the 1st 3 days at home we put him in the cage, he cried a LOT. So yeah, boots wont hurt.. The area was secure from rats, rain and heat..

He also often came into the guest bedroom and slept there all day.. He was so tiny.. Look at that!

We bought these tools 1st day Milan arrived. It wasn`t that complete but at least it useful..

Tick and Flea

I found some disturbing event with Milan days before Milan get his last Jab.. Someday I was pet him gently along his head and back.. Somehow.. I found this filthy tick and flea..


O MY.. I was panicked like hell and didnt know what to do... So I grabbed wet tissue and I pulled off the tick or flea (I can`t tell which are them).. Then there`s little mount of blood comes out from Milan`s skin... That was terrific event! I put alcohol onto that scar and gave betadine.

I just realized now Milan actually has shown the symptoms of tick and flea since day 1 we have him at home. He scratch a LOT and often get carried away until he bit his own hand. I really didnt notice at the time (since I`m newbie owning a dog), I thought it was normal for puppy to scratch like that.

I feel bad at that moment, for letting those ticks and fleas reproduced their eggs that far. I wish I knew earlier, but if referring to the breeder then no wonder this happened. We got Milan from such a dirty breeder. He have 30 dogs in a 6x10 meter land house, no outdoor space or garden. When we 1st took Milan, he smells like sh**t, I even cancelled the purchase at that time because of that hygiene matter, but Hubby already falling love in the 1st sight with Milan. So on our way home, we called the breeder and asked him to deliver Milan to our home.

Bad breeder! Poor puppies! GOD!

Puppies Toys

When it comes to puppy, I always excited about their toys. It`s tiny, adorable, colourful, fluffy, eye catching... just like them.. 

I read somewhere in internet that puppy toys should fulfill their needs to keep dog's mind stimulated, discourage problem behavior and promote dental health. There are many kind of it, like: chew toys, rope toys, plush toys, squeaky toys and more.

So far I`ve managed to bought him just few of them. Those little rubber ball for play fecth, plastic textured bone for dental chew, fluffy doll ussually called plush toys that he likes to carry around and often shake his head with the doll in his mouth.. funny thing to watch thou.... and that colorful rubber ball with a bell inside... He used to grab it and shake it so it makes some noise..He liked the noise...

 Apparently, he loves to chew the bone and the doll the most.

I have plan to bought him rope toys and squicky toys.. since toys aren`t that cheap, so yeah, I`ve to managed the purchase.. :p

Going To The Vet

By recomendation from my friend whose dogs been treated there, we went to Animal Clinic Jakarta. Me and my Lil Bro, take Milan to the Vet only 30 minute driving car (with traffic) from our home.  It was a nice decorated clinic, clean and easy to reach. Look at those cutey red chair.. Milan loved it!

Milan got nervous when we get in to the clinic, probably because there were lots of dogs that queue, but Milan managed to do photo shoot on the chair.. ^_^)

I noticed something strange with his scracthing behaviour so I told Vet about it. He`s got his 2nd Jab along with dewormed and Frontline anti-tick medicine. The Vet also checked Milan`s pup, eyes, ears.. everything`s fine, only the tick problems. Thanks God.. he was doing fine after the Jab. Eat well, play active and sleep well. My Attaboy!

26 Mar 2013

New Family Member!


The Black Toy Poodle

Milan| Male| Toy Poodle| DOB: Jan 6 2013

The Idea of Own a Pet

I don`t really like or know things about dogs before cause the way I raised by my Moslem parents. Practically my whole life I didn`t get used to see dogs around me.
The idea of own a pet is came from years of watching Cesar Millan "The Dog Whisperer". He gave me clear view about dogs. From what I get "Dogs are the best companion who have compassion heart that brings joy to the owner IF we treat them right.

Choosing The Right Breed For Me

So, I am a young house wife, I have plenty of time to taking care, I live in a land house have a little garden at front of house, but I`m not allowed to take heavy activities like long run because I`m in programme to conceive a baby, I like a dog that I can cuddle and carry on my arms, I like the dog that have minimum shed and dog whose coat can be clipping in style. Oh and another important point, I don`t like dogs that drool to much.
I took lots of quiz to help me determine which breed is meet my condition so we both would get the best of this relationship. Animal Planet Breed Selector is the best of them (in my opinion). Toy Poodle is the winner!

Choosing The Name

Before we buy the Toy Poodle puppy, me and Hubby had a debate about the Name. I wanted to named him Gucci or Prada.. but here`s the case, at first my hubby insist wanted a large powerful breed, which I know they didn`t meet with my conditions. After I convinced him by asking him to watched Cesar Millan, he surrender to let me choose the breed just with one condition, we should named the Toy Poodle "Milan" referring to his favourite soccer team AC MILAN. I goes like.. O.o Aww okay, that won`t hurt. "Milan" is famous, edgy, familiar to spell.. and more "Milan" remind me of The Dog Whisperer who inspired me to own a dog.. I hope it`s oke with Cesar Millan.. :)


19 Mar 2013

Being a Stay at Home Wife is... (part II)

One of my dreams

I graduated and earned a bachelor degree. My GPA was 3.31 and I had intention to become financial independent woman. This was one of my dreams. I wanted to be independent so that I could taking care of my family.

I was work at property developer before I marry him. I found it interesting to have a job, being a part of a great community, excel my skills, have many friends, got my own money and spent it for them who I loved. I can tell, being able to work and earned money is challenging and fun. I also got honored by "Employee of the month" thingy.

I admit I loved my job, but --apparently-- I love being a wife/mom more than I love my job. So, somehow, in my hurtful-debate with folks and families --who expected me to stay work, and said I'm wasting my time being a SAHM/W-- my heart says it is the right thing, he is the right person and this is the right time.

Yep, I took the risks and go where my heart wanted to not what people expected me to. Besides, being married and built my own family is one of my dreams too.

14 Feb 2013

4 Top Things To Say That Would Help Infertile Woman!

If you want to support your friends or relatives that are struggling to have a baby, saying these would help, it based on my own experience how I feel elated after someone said these to me in person:

1. "It must be painful, but I know you can do this."

by saying this words, I feel that you understand where I stand. This is what I need, someone who understand, who acknowlegde that I`m in such a pain and the last words smells so hopeful it`s a good things to say to someone who`s starting to losing their hope.

2. "I can see it, you gonna be a good Mom!"

It`s nice to have someone saying this to you, after all those tests and lab results that makes your emotion ups and downs, it`s like a reward for me. A compliment, a statement, a hope that even people can see it that someday I`m gonna be a Mom! Lovely..

3. "If you wanna cry, just cry.. I`m here for you!"
When someone said this to me, I immediately burst into cry. I feel loosen up after let all the emotion out. Cause all I need is a permission to get pissed, to cry out loud, to get weak, to damn the world, damn the birds for have such beautiful babies... that`s all.. one day cry out loud.. for tomorrow I`ll be back in business!

4. "Yes life can be so unfair sometimes, but it has a good point in some ways"
Bless the people who said this to me, once more, being acknowledge is the first thing I need. I need someone who see the way I see. I see sometimes its unfair for me and all I need is someone to say "Yes! it is" .... and by giving the additional wisdom words at the back, it`s like a slap for my self to always remember that beyond all this there is a greater power that rule everything.. that I must surrender all this to the higher power out there..God!


31 Jan 2013

Brace me one more day O God

Dear God,
Seeing those new born babies…
Seeing those pregnant ladies…
Sometimes makes me think…
When will you let that bless happens on me?
Why am I not worth enough to be a mother?
What should I do to ensure you?

Forgive me for asking those questions…
I`m weak, I'm vulnerable at some point…
But deep down I still believe…
You have a wonderful plan for me…

Brace me God,
Brace me so I would not cry, every time I hold a baby…
Brace me through all the tests, so I would not get tired…
Brace me to keep fight for it…
Just brace me one more day…

30 Jan 2013

Things You Should Never Say To Us!

Infertility problem for most of us is like a grieving process. Rollercoaster of emotion that full with ups and downs. Waiting, hoping, disappointment, hurt, pain in knowing that SOMETHING IS WRONG WITH YOUR BODY (literally). It is a medical problem, it`s like you being diagnose with cancer or other life-threatening disease.

If you have friends or families whose dealing with Infertility problems, here are things you should never say to them:

1. Pregnant yet?
Asking us question like that really won`t help. If you intend to have a pep talk.. pleaseee.. avoid this phrase! It`s like we being remind of how unfertile our womb by not being pregnant yet.. Trust us, when we get pregnant, we will tell to the whole world! If necessary we will just spam all website just to tell we are pregnant and to show how HAPPY we are!
2. "It`s just not the time, just be patient" 
When talking about "It`s just not the time" Its like you put curse on us, you determine our destiny by words you said. Its not in your power to decide is it the time or not, Its in God`s hand. No human is appropriate to say this to other human! and did you know how many years already gone by? Being patient is the first thing we have done all year.
3. "Enjoy your childless moment"
I heard this a lot and it didnt make feel any better. Really! Manicure, shopping, gathering with friends, travel, having fun, midnite movie.. Trust me, Most of us must had enjoy them that like million time when we were still single, we had enough of that and right now we want to be a mom!
4. "Don`t overthink about it, relax!"
How can you stop thinking about something that become your ultimate dream? Having a child on our own must be on the top of our bucket list. Our ultimate dream! The highest achievement in human life and how can we relax if knowing something is totally wrong with your body? Depressing lab results, crazy bills to pay, weary mental, pressure from relatives. It drives us nuts!

5. "Cherish what you have now"
So yeah, we have good life, good husband, supportive family, we can travel a lot, we have this, we own that. We totally aware and indeed very grateful of what we have right now, but truly, nothing compare with the blessing to have a baby on our own.
6. "Sometimes I wish I didn`t have a baby this early"
This statement always trigger my anger. Everytime I heard I was like "The ffff you just said? God blessed you with such of fertile womb and yet you put cursed on them? you regret one of God`s ultimate bless in life? Are you even have a heart?". 
Be careful with what you about to say, words can be so hurtful. Mostly when you said it to us -who struggle to death just to have at least one baby-


27 Jan 2013

Pressure from infertility

Yesterday, my childhood besties came over with her baby girl..
I cooked for lunch and bought some snacks..
We had a good time, me, my bestfriends and her baby..

Her baby`s so adorable.. She scream a lot, make some noises, kicking, spill the milk.. and so on.. but honestly.. it didn`t bother me.. I only got panic when her baby`s crying out loud and she just won`t stop.. I was like... "is that something wrong with her? does she hurt? does she hungry? and so on... and apparently, she just wanted to go outside home and enjoy evening breeze... O my.. (^_^)

My hubby was in the bedroom, enjoying his saturday off from work.. I left him alone while I soaked my self into this pond of happiness of motherhood with my bestie`s cutey baby girl..

In some certain moment, I just watched my bestie with her baby girl doing their stuff.. Well it amazed me how my childhood bestie already being a mother.. I almost cry at that time.. but nah.. I can managed..

After joyous hours with my besties and her baby girl, I crawled back into my bedroom.. Cheking out my hubby, see if he needs something... I cooked prawn curry for his dinner.. We had a good dinner chat.. the light one...

But then.. we talked about my bestie`s baby girl, I got shocked pretty bad with his respond... He didn`t say that he don`t like baby... but... I got this one disturbing fact that he said "Can you manage to have a baby that scream a lot like that?" and his face expression was like o_O

Honestly, I get offended... not because he seems like didn`t like the baby, but the fact that showed.. his body gestures.. his face expression... It shows that he actually feel bother with that baby screaming stuff... So I came to my own conclusion that he`s not ready yet to have a baby in our home... and it breaks my heart it made me so quite last night..

Is it only me who overreacted? or is it the things that really getting harder each day? I can`t tell.. but I know it did breaks my heart..

19 Jan 2013

Beef Curry

Because of the advance of technology, we are able to make curry in a very easy way! Thanks for those geniuses out there! Godbless!! :)

STEP 1: Prep the ingredients
1 pc boiled potato
1 pc boiled carrot
100 gram beef
1 pc garlic shreded
1 pc onion cut vertically

STEP 2: Stir the ingredients
On medium heat, pour 1tsp of Veggy oil
Saute the Onion and Garlic until it soften
Put the beef, stir for 3 min then set aside
Put 1tbsp of Soy Sauce, 1 tbsp of tomato sauce, 1 tbsp of worcester sauce.
200 ml water (depend on how thicken the curry you like)
Pour some salt, paper, thyme, oregano
Take 1 part of curry block, tear em apart and put it evenly in the pan
Sets the fire on low heat, let it simmer until the liquid is thicken.

STEP 3: Finishing
Turn off the fire
Put all boiled veggies and rested beef, stir gently
It goes soOo great with rice!
Enjoy imediately!

13 Jan 2013

Late Night Prayer

Dear God, I get weary sometimes 
for remembering how I still end up with no baby here.. 
Forgive me for being upset when I saw pregnant lady.. 
Forgive me for questioned you everytime I saw babies.. 
Forgive me O God, for I being such a sinner for doubted you.. 
Let me always remember that you've planned my life to be beautiful in your way..

11 Jan 2013

Being a Stay at Home Wife is.... (Part I)

A Personal Choice!

When we get married, we decided how we are going to run our family. It is a commitment between us. Who's gonna makes money, who's gonna manage the households, who's gonna looking after the children, etc.
My hubby is a conventional Japanese man, since we're in the early relationship he always got this pictured about a family where Husband go to work, a wife stay at home with their lovely kids. Deep down -despite my dream to achieve carrier- my heart wanted it too. But at that moment, the fear, the pain, still had me.
I kinda lost the feeling of love. It was just a day-dreaming... Grew up with divorced parents, --you don`t really know how it feels to see your family falling apart--, living separated from mom and dad, It felt like my closest days to hell and I won`t end up like them. So I had this  ambition to forget about marriage. But.......... as I grew up and met this wonderful man, I changed my mind..

Cause I ever promised myself, If I ever found a love and had a chance to build a family, I will never let my children and husband down. I will play my role as a wife and mom better by staying at home and watch my family's grow. Be there when they need me. Personally, I dont think I could be there for them if I go to 9-5 work --instead we had thought about me running my own business so that I'd have things to explore my passions yet have flexible time to play my role--

Meat Ball Tomato Sauce

I love it when the herbs meet the meat..
Parsley.. Thyme.. They smells so good with garlic, also the texture of chopped onion glued evenly with the meat! Simply delicious!

STEP 1: Make The Dough

  • Put the 100gr minched beef in a bowl
  • Add 2 slice of bread, shreded
  • Add bunch of salt and paper
  • Add bunch of dry or fresh parsley and thyme
  • Add 1 pc of shreded garlic
  • Add half shreded onion
  • Mix it evenly, cover your hand using plastic glove
  • Make small ball of beef

STEP 2: Fry!

Put 1 tsp of veggie oil
Put 1 tsp of margarine
Set in a low heat, when it sets, put all meat balls into the pan
Fry the potatoes in other pan, until it turns golden brown

STEP 3: Make the sauce

2 pcs garlic, shreded
Half onion cut vertically
3 tbsp of tomato sauce
1 tsp veggie oil
Fry em in a medium heat pan until it sets
Put the meat balls and fried potatoes into this pan for 3 min, then rest em.
Plate em and enjoy with mayonaise! :)


Carrot Shrimp Roll

Care for chinese supper? Carrot shrimp roll is tricky but easy to make. It takes about 45 min to cook em!

STEP 1: Prep the filling

  • Clean and wash the 4 pcs of baby corns, 1/2 carrot, bean sprouts and 2 pcs shrimps (make sure you cut the upper back and clean their dump)
  • Then cut the baby corns and carrots into a shreded shape
  • Cut 2 onion sticks horizontally (prefer take the branch instead of the leaf)

  • Buy a ready-to use shrimp roll skin
  • Beat 1 pc of egg evenly (we will use the egg as a glue)
  • Cut the shrimps as well
  • Shred 3 pcs of garlic
  • Cut half of the onion into pieces

STEP 2: Make the filling

  • Pour 2 tbsp of veggie oil (low heat)
  • Cook the garlic and onion until the color turns into medium brown
  • Put the shrimp, stir it about 1min
  • Pour in sesame oil, worcester sauce and oyster sauce, stir about 2min
  • Put all the veggies, salt, pepper and instant chicken broth, stir em evenly about 6min
  • Pour the sweet soy sauce, stir em about 2min

STEP 3: Make the roll!

  • Put the egg mix onto the surface of skin evenly
  • Put the filling in the center of the skin
  • Roll the skin upside, tuck in the filling neatly, then roll the left and right side into the center, then roll em upward.

  • Repeat the same methods until all filling is used

STEP 4: Fry!!

  • Fry em in a medium heat pan

Enjoy em!

Fried Bread Choco Filling

It is a nice choice for afternoon tea time. Enjoy the bread choco filling with a cup of english hot tea! Splendid!

STEP 1: Make the dough

  • Mix evenly 150 gram plain flour, 75 gram boiled potatoes, 1/2 tsp instant yeast, 1/4 baking soda, 4 tbsp powder milk, 2 tbsp sugar, 1/2 tsp powder vanilli
  • Make a pond in the center, pour in 1 beaten egg, stir gently, add 50 ml cold fresh milk and keep stiring gently
  • Add 1/2 tsp salt and then 2 tbsp margarine, stir it evenly
  • Rest them 45 min to raise (note: close the dough using fabrics)

STEP 2: Make a small ball

  • make a small ball about 50 gram each
  • rest them about 15 minutes
  • then put the choco filling inside the dough (note: use a table spoon, coat it with veggy oil first)
  • you might heat the pan meanwhile

STEP 3: Fry em!

  • make sure the dough drown perfectly into a medium hot oil pan
  • wait until the color turns into golden brown and rest em

  • Plate em then pour powder sugar evenly

The chocolate filling is still melting when I torn them apart.. The texture of the dough inside is somewhat creamy.. Loooooveed it! Enjoy em immediately! :)
